Since the first of the year, I have really focused on word art (along with the random watercolors I have shared) as a form of personal therapy...sort of. The fact that I was taking
Joanne Sharpe's Letter Love 201 facilitated this for sure.
We received some wonderful news at the very end of the year from a young woman living in western Canada. She is my husband's daughter from a highschool relationship. He had shared with me that his former girlfriend had gotten pregnant and moved "out east" to have the baby when we were dating. He never heard another word and because of legal issues, never pursued the information. This young woman had received information on her father (my husband) in 1996 and didn't follow up on it until now. She sent a short note introducing herself and asking if by chance he was her father. He was only too happy to respond.
My husband and I have been married for 48 years and have three grown children and nine grandchildren. Needless to say, this has "rocked" our family. We have spoken of this "child" through the years but figured we would probably never meet him or her at this late date. After all, the "child" would be fifty years old. You can imagine our surprise!
He shared the information with our three children. One was delighted, two were not.
He has had a running email conversation with his daughter since the first of the year and they have spoken on the phone a couple of times. I think it has been very rewarding for both of them She and her husband will be coming down to Florida in March for a conference so we will meet at that time. They will spend the weekend with us.
Imagine the anticipation! And so I doodle, to keep it all together. Many emotions have rocked this old bod, that is for sure. Everything happens for a reason and I look forward to our next chapter.
I believe that there are others that have had similar experiences . I've googled "bio dad" but haven't really come up with much. I guess these stories are pretty personal, but I have shared and I hope you will too.
Is it a reunion when you have never met? |
There will be a lot to share in a short weekend |
She is a gift to our family |
We must enjoy the present moment. |
"Anticipation" was too long a word to fit on the page. |
There is plenty to go around |
Joanne Sharpe's "word art" |
In fact, it is his journey, I am only a bystander.
I think the Letter Love class came along at just the right moment, don't you?
Please feel free to share your thoughts!