Once again, we had a wonderful vacation cruise with Windstar Cruises.
We started off in Lisbon and ended up in Barcelona, with some beautiful, amazing sites along the way.
Odd things catch my eye. Where ever we go, I love the cobblestones.
This time, I got to watch a fellow laying them outside a restaurant where we had dinner.
It was fascinating and he is an artist and probably doesn't realize it.
Newspapers also always jump out at me. I love the look of the foreign languages on the printed page.
So when we got home and got a bit rested I had an idea.

I glued down scraps of Portuguese, Spanish, Japanese and Moroccan papers

Added some transparent paint.
I covered it with plastic and pressed into the paint.
Then I drew out my cobblestone pattern on poster paper, cut each stone out and placed them on
the dry paint. I then rolled with an ochre to get the spacing between the stones
So this is the finished product. If you look closely, you can see the print in various languages.
So this is my memory of our travels. I refer to cobblestones as a common language we all share.
Whenever we travel, I look forward to seeing them again.
It is always good to be home. My orchids seem to thrive while I am away. On return my weirdest orchid, dendrobium spectabile was blooming. What it lacks in "beauty" it makes up for in scent. It has a wonderful light scent.
Wishing all a Happy PPF!